Vince Rotolo for Hall of Fame – Rondo Awards 2017

Let’s Get Vince His Due!

Vince Rotolo, the King of the Monster Podcasters, passed away suddenly last year (2016) and it’s important to a lot of us that he be given the recognition he deserves by receiving a posthumous Rondo Award for his contributions to Monster Kid-dom via his B-Movie Cast.  Vince was a humble guy, and pooh-poohed the idea of even being nominated last year, but he deserved it then, and he deserves it now.  Let’s make it happen!  Vote Vince Rotolo for Monster Kid Hall of Fame!  (Category #29.)

Also, though I know this might be a bit uncouth, while you vote for Vince, I’m asking you to consider casting write-in votes for me and my work in up to 3 categories.  (I was crazy busy/asleep at the wheel during the normal nomination period.)  Please consider voting for:

MANOS: TALONS OF FATE for Book of the Year (category 11) in this year’s awards.  There’s no actual category for prose fiction, so this is the closest my monster books can get.

Also, consider voting for my article about Vince Rotolo that ran in MONSTER! #30 — “VINCE ROTOLO: King of the Monster Podcasters” by Stephen D Sullivan in category 13.  And if you want you can vote for me as Best Writer — Stephen D. Sullivan — in category 24, too.

To vote, you have to email in your picks.  You CANNOT just click a ballot (this prevents cheating).  But, it’s still easy to vote!

REMEMBER TO INCLUDE YOUR NAME!  Send your picks to David Colton — [email protected] — by Sunday night at midnight, April 16, 2017.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You don’t have to vote in all categories!  (Note that I haven’t.)  So don’t be shy about voting in just the few you feel comfortable with!

Vote for who and what you like, but I strongly urge you to Vote for VINCE (in category 29).  Here’s my recommendations for the rest:

  1. BEST MOVIE — Lots of good nominees here, but my pick is: Arrival
  2. BEST TV PRESENTATION — More goodness, but I pick: Penny Dreadful
  4. BEST BLU-RAY COLLECTION — Frankenstein: Complete Legacy Collection
  6. BEST COMMENTARY — Not enough info to vote
  7. BEST DVD EXTRA — Not enough info to vote
  8. BEST INDEPENDENT FILM — 2 friends have really good entries here: The NIght of Medusa by Joshua Kennedy, and Weresquito: Nazi Hunter by Christopher R. Mihm..  Watch ‘em both and pick one.
  9. BEST SHORT FILM — Not enough info to vote
  10. BEST DOCUMENTARY — probably Kong: Long Live the King
  11. BOOK OF THE YEAR — WRITE IN — Manos: Talons of Fate by Stephen D. Sullivan
  12. BEST MAGAZINE 2017 — Monster!
  13. BEST ARTICLE (pick 2) — WRITE IN — “VINCE ROTOLO: King of the Monster Podcasters” by Stephen D Sullivan in MONSTER! #30
    ALSO – ‘Tuckered Out Canaveral Capers,’ by Stephen R. Bissette, MONSTER! #25
  14. BEST INTERVIEW — Ray Harryhausen, expanded 2006 interview by Mark Mawston, SCARY MONSTERS #100
  15. BEST COLUMNIST — The Doctor Is In-Sane, by Dr. Gangrene, SCARY MONSTERS
  16. BEST COVER — Mad Scientist #31 by Mark Maddox
  17. BEST WEBSITE OR BLOG — Some friends have nominations: Bloody Pit of Rod, or Serial Squadron — Check ‘em out and see what you like.
  18. BEST MULTI-MEDIA HORROR SITE — A few friends here.  I suggest you try them all!  Fantastic Films of Vincent Price, Kaijucast, Monster Kid Radio
  19. BEST CONVENTION — Not enough info to vote.
  20. BEST LIVE PRESENTATION —  WRITE IN — Manos: The Hands of Fate Live presentation in Chicago (November 2016) with Jackey Raye Neyman Jones
  21. FAVORITE HORROR HOST — I think Sven’s won enough, so let’s go for Dr. Gangrene
  22. BEST HORROR COMIC — Ashamed to say I don’t have enough info to vote.
  23. BEST CD — Ashamed to say I don’t have enough info to vote.
  24. BEST WRITER — WRITE IN — you can write me in here, too, if you want — Stephen D. Sullivan
  25. BEST ARTIST — Mark Maddox
  26. BEST FAN ARTIST — Shelby Denham
  27. INTERNATIONAL FAN OF THE YEAR — Not enough info to vote.
  28. MONSTER KID OF THE YEAR — Derek M. Koch (seriously, buddy!)
  29. MONSTER KID HALL OF FAME — THIS IS THE IMPORTANT ONE — The Late, Great Vince Rotolo of the B-Movie cast

Thanks for voting!

Let’s get Vince that Rondo Award he should have gotten during his lifetime!

About Steve Sullivan 439 Articles
Stephen D. Sullivan is an award-winning author, artist, and editor. Since 1980, he has worked on a wide variety of properties, including well-known licenses and original work. Some of his best know projects include Dungeons & Dragons, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Dragonlance, Iron Man, Legend of the Five Rings, Speed Racer, the Tolkien RPG, Disney Afternoons, Star Wars, The Twilight Empire (Robinson's War), Uncanny Radio, Martian Knights, Tournament of Death, and The Blue Kingdoms (with his friend Jean Rabe).