(DinosaurRPG.com and DinosaursRPG.com re-direct to here.)
This is my page for all things dinosaur, including my (upcoming) Dinosaur RPG and other dinosaur projects. ENJOY!
My DINOSAUR RPG is under development, and I’m even playtesting it both online with friends and at conventions I’m attending. (Looking at you, EGG Con and Gary Con!)
It’s based on Lester Smith’s Bookmark No Hit Points RPG (BNHP), a fun, fast system (5 minute or less character creation) that uses all the funny dice we all love from Dungeons & Dragons (which you probably know I worked on starting in 1980 (lookin’ at you, Moldvay/Cook Basic & Expert) — and uses them in great quantities. What’s more fun than rolling big handfuls of dice?!
The settings for the game will encompass all eras of history and most genres you can think of from adventure to war to western to classical historic and more!
Stay tuned to this page for updates, but until then, you can enjoy my cool logo (above) and some of the other (preliminary) and possible design images below. Oh, and at least one picture of me with a dinosaur.

Find out about my (stalled) Dungeons & Dinosaurs project here.
Stay tuned to this page for future developments!
More Dinosaurs to come!
TM & © 2024 and beyond by Stephen D. Sullivan. All Rights Reserved.