My sci-fi/fantasy mash-up, “Elf Princess on Mars” is now out! (Just in time for you John Carter & Dejah Thoris fans.)
EPoM tells the story of Faye, a young elf looking for love in all the wrong places. In this case, the place is Mars, or as the planet is known to its inhabitants, Barsoom.
The e-book is available in both a general audiences edition (with tame illustrations) for Kindle here at Amazon and for all e-book formats (including Kindle) here at Smashwords.
The story is also available in an Elf Erotica explicitly illustrated edition (with extra illos & nudity) here for Kindle at Amazon and here for all e-book formats (including Kindle at Smashwords). Yes, the adult version costs a bit more, but it has a lot more illustrations — including the fully illustrated version of EPoM.

As an added bonus, the e-book features the original text of Edgar Rice Burroughs A Princess of Mars (as it was originally published in 1917), with new character illustrations by me, Steve Sullivan.
So, pick your version and settle in for a fun-filled slightly off-color romp on Mars today!