Surprise! I’m back on Monster Kid Radio! (Okay, maybe that’s not much of a surprise.) When Derek and I recorded our thoughts on the nominations for this year’s upcoming Monster Rally Retro Awards on MKR #265 (Vote Now!), we also had time to talk about a little project of my own called…
If you’ve been dozing while I’ve spoken and posted about this in the past (or missed it because you’re not in on my Patreon), this would be a great time to jump in and find out what all the excitement is about. The blog has already generated some new patrons for the project, so…
And, then, of course you need to click here to throw a buck a month (or more) toward supporting the project. (Or, if you want to support the Patreon first, and then listen to the podcast, I wouldn’t mind.)
The writing of Dr. Cushing’s Chamber of Horrors is going strong, and the serialization will start soon!
Happy listening, and thanks for your support!
(A new Canoe Cops episode — also supported by my patrons — is coming up almost immediately.)