I was so busy with the Tournament of Death Kickstarter this August, that I never got around to putting up a link for the review of the 2011 prequel to THE THING that I did with B-Movie Cast regulars Vince & Mary Rotolo and Nic Brown.
Stephen D. Sullivan is an award-winning author, artist, and editor. Since 1980, he has worked on a wide variety of properties, including well-known licenses and original work. Some of his best know projects include Dungeons & Dragons, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Dragonlance, Iron Man, Legend of the Five Rings, Speed Racer, the Tolkien RPG, Disney Afternoons, Star Wars, The Twilight Empire (Robinson's War), Uncanny Radio, Martian Knights, Tournament of Death, and The Blue Kingdoms (with his friend Jean Rabe).
(Just a reminder that my Patreon subscribers at $2 and above get all chapters in advance!) Welcome to another FREE story — the latest in the saga of the Canoe Cops vs. the Mummy. Don’t […]
I thought I’d get this posted around the middle of August, but… Here it is, the end of the month already! July ended with the 2021 Olympics — which my wife and I probably watched 12-16 […]
(Just a reminder that my Patreon subscribers at $2 and above get all chapters in advance!) Welcome to another FREE story — the latest in the saga of the Canoe Cops vs. the Mummy. Don’t forget […]