New Editions of Old Favorites

Now with Enhanced Price!

In the midst of everything else I’ve been doing (working on Frost Harrow, finalizing Snowraven, publishing Paul McComas’ book, Unforgettable), I’ve also found time to do 3 new editions of some of my older books — pictured above.

Martian Knights and Zombies, Werewolves, & Unicorns are getting major overhauls.  I’m not only fixing typos, but I’ve also re-typeset the pair, making the print larger and easier to read.  (While 10-point type was once the industry standard, 12-point  is easier on the eyes — and seems to be more popular with readers.)   Though I’ve changed the page-count on MK & ZWU, I’ve kept the cover prices the same, just ’cause I love y’all.  Martian is also being overhauled and re-released for Kindle. ( The previous edition was created for  Mobi-Pocket, back in the stone-age of e-publishing — so the new edition is  much cooler.)

Luck o’ the Irish is also being corrected (yes, no matter how hard I try, errors always creep in) and also getting a new cover (and price).  Revised covers are in store for the other two books,  as well, in order to bring all three into line with the rest of my books.  That’s the “line look” that marketers like to blather on about.

Watch my Twitter and Facebook feeds for exact release dates on the new printed editions.  It will be soon, I promise; I’m just waiting to approve printer’s proofs.  The new version Mars should be up for Kindle any day now, and you can already download it — in Kindle, ePub, and all other e-reader formats — on Smashwords!  The other two books are already available in revised e-book editions. NOTE: As I published this blog, the Kindle version of Martian Knights became available here!

If you’ve been reading my Free Newsletter, you probably saw all of these revisions coming.  Sign up now, for a preview of more upcoming releases as well as other cool news.

I’m very excited about the revised editions of these books, and I hope they will bring new readers to my work.  If you’ve already read the set — and I know many of you have — why not post a review or chat them up and help spread the word?  You have my thanks in advance!  (And if you let me know about your good deed, I might even reward you!)

Of course, previous editions  of these books are now instant  collector’s items! (Grin.) Who knows?  Maybe they’ll even pay for college by the time you put them on eBay.  Enjoy!

About Steve Sullivan 426 Articles
Stephen D. Sullivan is an award-winning author, artist, and editor. Since 1980, he has worked on a wide variety of properties, including well-known licenses and original work. Some of his best know projects include Dungeons & Dragons, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Dragonlance, Iron Man, Legend of the Five Rings, Speed Racer, the Tolkien RPG, Disney Afternoons, Star Wars, The Twilight Empire (Robinson's War), Uncanny Radio, Martian Knights, Tournament of Death, and The Blue Kingdoms (with his friend Jean Rabe).