(Republished from my Patreon)
It’s been a while… As many of you probably know, I changed how I was doing things on my site (and my Patreon) right about the time I ran my successful TALES OF THE BLUE KINGDOMS Kickstarter.
Basically, I’d gotten myself into a publishing treadmill of putting out things on here, on my patreon, for another Patreon, on Kindle Vella… And probably some other stuff I’m forgetting right now. And between all that and my projects, I was constantly running and never getting much done.
Plus, I wasn’t getting a lot of extra income from all that work, and virtually no feedback. So, I decided to break the treadmill, do the Kickstarter, and concentrate on finishing all the projects that were constantly rotating through my “to do” list.
Here’s the good news: Happily, that worked. Here’s a rundown on some of my current projects:
TALES OF THE BLUE KINGDOMS – 2 book Kickstarter FINISHED, likely June general release.
MONSTER SHARK ON A NUDE BEACH – draft of entire book finished. Being released monthly in May and twice weekly in June until finished in July/August. Print book to follow.
ATOMIC TALES: STRANGE INVADERS – draft of entire series (48 episodes) finished. Episodes to be released monthly on my site and audio (as possible). Possible release as 2-4 books & audiobooks.
NASCHY WEREWOLF BOOK – drafts finished. Awaiting licensor update, final manuscript, and then printing.
FROST HARROW 1-4 – awaiting final checks and typesetting before publication.
So, basically, at this point, nearly everything is waiting for final drafts, or checks, or typesetting — or some combination. Which means, in addition to doing that, I’m thinking about new projects, too.
WHAT SHOULD I DO NEXT? Leave a comment here or drop me a DM here or on FB and let me know your thoughts/preferences!
More Soon — Steve
Remember, you can support this and all my other work, including Frost Harrow, Dr. Cushing’s Chamber of Horrors, and more, by joining my Patreon for a buck or two a month, or by dropping me a tip on my Ko-Fi page. Thanks!