Welcome to FROST HARROW Book 2. (No previous reading required.) Please support my work via Patreon at www.PaySteve.com. Enjoy!
Tony awoke to find Glory leaning over his bed. Her breath felt like a winter breeze on his face. Her dress hung open in the front and he could see her breasts dangling enticingly before him.
She looked in his eyes and smiled.
“Who are you?” he asked, trying to shake the sleep from his brain.
“I told you, I’m Glory,” she said, licking her pale lips.
“You must have another name.”
“Gloriana Williams.” She leaned forward and kissed him.
He kissed back, drinking in the coolness of her mouth. She took his head in her hands, gently caressing him. He circled his arms around her waist and pulled her down on top of him. She felt damp, like the fog outside.
“You’re cold,” he said.
“Warm me.”
He rolled on top of her and kissed her for several long moments. She caressed his spine and scratched her nails down his back.
Feeling invigorated, he got up off her and sat on the edge of the bed. He smiled. “Pose for me.”
A sly grin stole over her face. She lowered the dress off her shoulders as he fetched a pad and pencil.
“Always,” she said.
Read the FREE Frost Harrow Halloween stories, too!
“The Weeping Ghost” (2012), “A Trace of Violet” (2013), “Lunchroom Zombies” (2014), “Omens & Visitations” (2015), “Fata Morgana” (2016), and “At the Appointed Hour” (2017), and “Devil’s Lake” (2018), “A Walk on Witches’ Hill” (2019), “The Beast of Bay Road” (2020)

To My Credit Creature & Beyond Patrons!
These people have gone above and beyond in their longstanding support of my Patreon (www.PaySteve.com) and the Frost Harrow project.
Thanks so much!
John Appel
Tim Cahoon
David Lars Chamberlain
Paul Curtis
Heath Farnden
Gerald Troy Guinn
Laura Murin
Steve Rouse
Adam Thornton