Derek M. Koch called me up the other day to talk about the trailer to The Mummy — the new one, starring Tom Cruise. A lot of people have been talking about it, as it purports to kick off a new Universal Monsters series of shared-world films. Derek and I had a good time speculating about that film, its stars, and whether Universal might be able to carry off the kind of “trick” that Marvel has achieved with its interwoven film line.
Purely by coincidence, for that same show, Derek had interviewed our mutual friend Jackey Neyman Jones — “Debbie” from Manos: The Hands of Fate. Before we talked about The Mummy, Derek and I began chatting about our love for that famously bad film, and how to enjoy it without irony and snark.
Yes! It can be done!
And if you listen to this episode, maybe you’ll be inspired to do it, too. 🙂
Click here to go to the site and listen to this Manos & Mummy episode of Monster Kid Radio!
Special thanks to Derek for supplying this post’s header!