Hey, Everybody… The TOURNAMENT OF DEATH 4 Kickstarter has begun!
You can get into the game for only $1! The LIVE event runs August 5th – 21st, 2016.
At the urging of backers, I put the campaign up a few days early, and the campaign has already blasted through many of our early stretch goals! ALL BACKERS from $1 up are currently getting:
- Participation in the LIVE event (Aug. 5-21)
- A Bonus Wallpaper ($2 and above get an extra wallpaper, too!)
- A printable TOD4 Poster
Plus ATTENDEES ($16 — just a dollar per day of the LIVE event) and above are additionally getting:
- TOD4 backers-only version e-book
- Your Name in the credits
- Bonus stories from TOD3 included in the TOD4 book (print & ebook)
- The Crimson Collection e-book (with nearly all of Crimson’s stories)
- New e-book collection of all of Steve’s Blue Kingdoms Stories (also available as print add-on)
Plus there are still plenty of great stretch goals to come, including gaming adventures and a sourcebook! And, of course, you can buy the current previous books (in print and e-book form) and other cool stuff like my Empires of Imagination Lake Geneva map (the LG of my pal Gary Gygax!) and The Twilight Empire: Robinson’s War (from Dragon) magazine.
And that’s just the start of the fun! The real treat is helping to shape TOD4 LIVE, online, as I write the book during the Olympic Summer Games, 2016!
Remember: You can get in on the action for only $1!
So, what are you waiting for?! Click here and join the Tournament of Death 4 team, today!