“What’s worse than sitting next to a mean drunk in a bar? Sitting next to a mean drunk who also happens to be a god. Not just any god, either—the God of Frickin’ Thunder: Thor.”
That’s where the action starts and it just keeps right on rolling until the end of this rollicking mythical tale. Fans of Crimson will definitely want to read this one. Not only does it feature the usual irreverent Crimson action, it also contains a glimpse into our heroine’s hitherto unrevealed past. Plus, a mano-a-mano smackdown with everyone’s favorite God of Thunder — the mighty Thor himself.
All this plus Odin and some Valkyries, too! You know you want it … Now buy it!
Click here to buy “Thor Loser” for all e-book formats (including Kindle/Mobi) at Smashwords.
Click here to buy “Thor Loser” for Kindle on Amazon.com.
Each e-book contains both the original and alternate cover art.