“The Gift of the Dragons” Cover Poll

I’ve decided to upgrade the cover for my Starcutter (Blue Kingdoms) story, “The Gift of the Dragons.”

As you can see from the illos (if you click on them), one features the figures with a dragon and a ship, the other features just the figures alone.  Be aware that if I use the figures alone, there would have to be space above them for the title, as in the dragon & ship illo.

The question is, which illustration would get you to buy the new edition of the book.  (Don’t worry, previous customers should be able to upgrade their book for free.)  So, here’s the poll…

OKAY… The Poll fucntion is now causing everything to crash, so let’s turn it of while I work this out.

If you want to e-mail me with your preference, click on my picture for an e-mail link.


About Steve Sullivan 440 Articles
Stephen D. Sullivan is an award-winning author, artist, and editor. Since 1980, he has worked on a wide variety of properties, including well-known licenses and original work. Some of his best know projects include Dungeons & Dragons, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Dragonlance, Iron Man, Legend of the Five Rings, Speed Racer, the Tolkien RPG, Disney Afternoons, Star Wars, The Twilight Empire (Robinson's War), Uncanny Radio, Martian Knights, Tournament of Death, and The Blue Kingdoms (with his friend Jean Rabe).