This video “rant” by Harlan Ellison keeps coming up in conversations with fellow authors, probably because the problem he addresses is common to pretty much every professional writer in the world.
Be aware that the video contains some colorful (though not unwarranted) language.
Check it out. Drop me a line about what you think.
Stephen D. Sullivan is an award-winning author, artist, and editor. Since 1980, he has worked on a wide variety of properties, including well-known licenses and original work. Some of his best know projects include Dungeons & Dragons, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Dragonlance, Iron Man, Legend of the Five Rings, Speed Racer, the Tolkien RPG, Disney Afternoons, Star Wars, The Twilight Empire (Robinson's War), Uncanny Radio, Martian Knights, Tournament of Death, and The Blue Kingdoms (with his friend Jean Rabe).
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