MANOS – THE HANDS OF FATE in All EBook Formats!
So, here it is at last! One of my “secret projects.” And it’s no secret now that I’ve been working on not one but _two_ MANOS adaptations. The one that’s finished is the comedy version — something all of you MST3K fans are sure to enjoy. (The “serious horror” one will follow along shortly.)
It’s available now for the low, low price of $3.99.
(The special price was first weekend only. Sorry)
You can buy it for all formats on Smashwords.com (here) and DriveThruFiction.com (here).
And for you Kindle fans, you can buy it on Amazon (here).
For those interested, yes, there will be a print version coming soon — before Black Friday, with any luck — but I want to release the Horror Version — MANOS – TALONS OF FATE — in eBook format first. (And that’s gonna take a little more time.)
I’ve worked hard on this novel (and it’s horror companion), and I’m very happy with the way it’s turned out. I think all you Manos fans will enjoy it, too! And fans of MST3K and RiffTrax will certainly want to give it a look!
So, grab it cheap, while you can! Then read, laugh, and enjoy!
(And don’t forget to tell your friends!)