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Dave Arneson, RIP

Dave Arneson passed away today after a long illness.  He was the co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons, the game that changed my life and resulted in marriage (my wife plays, too), kids, many friends, and […]

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Big Changes in 2009

Well, it’s been a few months since I wrote here (You are keeping up on my regular blog, though, right?), and a lot has happened in that time.  Importantly, I’m taken a staff job for […]

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Other Work

Uncanny New Year

Happy New Year, one and all!  May 2009 be even better than we hope! Good news for the start of 2009!  Uncanny Radio has been selected as a featured show on Blog Talk Radio. Unrelated […]

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Michelle Update

Here’s an update about Michelle & her family (from her sister, who works in comics): * Michelle has gotten her baby’s body and had had the funeral. Real-life is weirder than anything I can come […]

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Pay the Writer

This video “rant” by Harlan Ellison keeps coming up in conversations with fellow authors, probably because the problem he addresses is common to pretty much every professional writer in the world. Be aware that the […]

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Tournament of Death

TOD EXTRAS – Character Crossovers

EXTRAS Some astute readers have certainly noticed relationships between Tournament of Death and several other of my stories. Crimson is the most obvious example, but I thought I’d give a brief run-down of the connections […]