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Blacked Out to Protest SOPA/PIPA

“Imagine a world without free knowledge…” the Wikipedia blackout page begins. In solidarity with the other protests, I will not be interacting online for the day of Wednesday, January 18, 2011.  That means no e-mails, […]


Catch Me in 2012

[youtube id=”AtuGZvjU0e8″ width=”600″ height=”350″] Y’all may know that I’m something of a hermit. It’ s not that I don’t like leaving the house, hanging out with people, doing conventions, etc.  It’s just that being a […]


FROST HARROW Sneak Preview 2

Grant Winslow didn’t expect to be a millionaire.  For years, he was the family’s black sheep, the teenager more interested in ecology than in the business of Winslow Construction.  No wonder, then, that at age […]