Happy New Year! Fell a bit behind in my posting during the Holidays (busy working on scary version of Manos). Sometime right around then, I made not one but two appearances on Monster Kid Radio (one of the “Top 5 Must-Listen Monster Podcasts,” according to my recent article in Monster! magazine!) During both appearances I waxed poetic about my love of Godzilla films. (Natch!)
Click the link in this line to listen to the podcast about Godzilla vs. the Thing (a.k.a. Mothra vs. Godzilla).
Click the link in this line to listen to the podcast about Ghidrah the Three-Headed Monster (a.k.a. Ghidorah the Three-Headed Monster.)
These two great giant-monster classics were definitely a big influence on my work in Daikaiju Attack — so you should definitely watch them, if you haven’t already!
And, while you’re clicking stuff, why not click over to my Patreon Page and throw a few bucks my way to support my free, online stories (like Daikaiju Attack and Canoe Cops vs. the Mummy). Thanks!