You’ve probably noticed that October is a great month for Monster Kids, but this year it seems like there as some extra special events going on. Not only did Pacific Rim just come out, but in Portland, OR, for instance, there’s a listing off all the cool films playing in the area during the month. Click below to check’em out. Wish I lived in Portland! (At least, this month.)
The Shadow Over Portland movie list (by my pal Chris McMillan).
Meanwhile, in the rest of the country, film creator/writer/director Christopher R. Mihm is taking THE GIANT SPIDER, his latest 1950s-style B-Movie, on the road in a series of screening events. I hope to be attending a showing this Saturday night, and you should go if they get anywhere near you. (I think they just added a Portland show, natch.)
Click here and scroll down to MIHMIVERSE EVENTS to find a venue near you.
THE GIANT SPIDER is a great B-Movie, by the way, on par with Bert I. Gordon’s best work. (It’s amazing what some filmmakers can do with almost no money.)
And speaking of the Mihmiverse… Keep an eye out for Christopher’s upcoming magazine — which will feature some stories by yours truly.
Now, get out there and watch some monster movies! It’s October, after all. Tell your friends! Enjoy!