In case you haven’t heard, late last night we reached our funding goal! So, Tournament of Death (1 & 2) is now officially a GO! Live writing starts when the Summer Games do (Friday, July 27, 2012!), but we’ve still got about a day to push this as far as we can!
Thank you so, so much! You are all AWESOME!
And in case you missed it, I recently lowered the costs for the “Get in the Story” rewards where you can sponsor a monster, get a character named after you (or someone you love), or even help create an actual contestant. Existing backers got first crack at those, and numbers are limited, so if you want one, snatch it up now. (There’s no “tomorrow” on these!)
Also, because I want these books to be the coolest they can possibly be, I just lowered the “make the books illustrated” Stretch Goals. The stretches now start at only $2000 — we’re almost there already!
Help me pack the book with illustrations by: 1) Telling everybody you know about this! and 2) Getting your friends to pledge!
This is also a great time to check your backer level and upgrade. (Now that we know we’re funded!) Maybe that softcover or hardcover looks better now that you know it’s a sure thing. Or maybe sponsoring a monster or naming a character will impress your friends. Maybe you even want to snatch up that 1 remaining “create a contestant” reward!
And remember, all editions of the rewards you get are exclusive to this Kickstarter.
So, that’s it. We’ve got about a day to get this all wrapped up, and then those that are aboard head for the Tournament of a Lifetime — and those that aren’t wish they hadn’t missed the boat.