Well, it’s been a few months since I wrote here (You are keeping up on my regular blog, though, right?), and a lot has happened in that time. Importantly, I’m taken a staff job for the first time in a couple of years. This means I still spend my days writing, but at Medcor rather than in my studio. It’s a great job working with great people, and the security is very nice. But the downside is that I now have a lot less time for my other projects. Sure, I got Uncanny Enounters: Roswell out on time, but Linda and I have had to put Uncanny Radio on hiatus. (She’d been very short on time, too.)
I’m also trying to figure out, now, how to balance my remaining free time each day between personal and family obligations and the ongoing projects I’m devoted to, including my own books and my work on the Blue Kingdoms and Uncanny Encounters series. Stay tuned. More about those as I have time — though I can’t be sure if the news will break here, on my blog, or my Twitter tweets first.